Published Studies

Last updated April 2014

Papers on or mentioning Combretum micranthum:

Abreu, P. M., Martins, E. S., Kayser, O., Bindseil, K. U., Siems, K., Seemann, A., & Frevert, J. (1999). Antimicrobial, antitumor and antileishmania screening of medicinal plants from Guinea-Bissau. Phytomedicine, 6(3), 187-195.

Aderbauer, B., Clausen, P. H., Kershaw, O., & Melzig, M. F. (2008). In vitro and in vivo trypanocidal effect of lipophilic extracts of medicinal plants from Mali and Burkina Faso. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 119(2), 225-231.

Ajibesin, K. K., Ekpo, B. A., & Bala, D. N. (2002). Antimicrobial activities of the leaves of Combretum micranthum and C. Racemosum. Global J. Med. Sci, 1, 13-17.

Anolio, C. et al. (2002). Antimalarial activity of extracts and alkaloids isolated from six plants used in traditional medicine in Mali and Sao Tome. Phytotherapy Research. V. 16, Issue 7, pp. 646-649. November.

Baba-Moussa, F. et al. (1999). Antifungal activities of seven West African Combretaceae used in traditional medicine. Journal of Ethnopharmcology. V. 66, Issue 3. pp. 335-338.

Bassene, E., Olschwang, D., & Pousset, J. L. (1980). [African medical plants. I: Characterization of inositol and sorbitol, probable active principles of kinkeliba (Combretum micranthum G. Don)]. Dakar medical, 26(2), 219-225.

Bassene, E., Olschwang, D., & Pousset, J. L. (1986). Plantes medicinales africaines. Les alcaloides du Combretum micranthum G. Don (Kinkeliba). In Annales pharmaceutiques françaises.

Bassene, E., D. Olschwang, and J. L. Pousset. (1987): “African medicinal plants. XXIII. Flavonoids of Combretum micranthum G. Don (Kinkeliba).” Plant Med. Phytother 21 173-175.

Bassene, E., Mahamat, B., Lo, M., Boye, C. S. B., & Faye, B. (1995). Comparaison de l’activité antibactérienne de trois Combretaceae: Combretum micranthum, Guiera senegalensis et Terminalia avicennioides. Fitoterapia, 66(1), 86-87.

Bitsindou, M., & Lejoly, J. (1992). Plants used in hepatoprotective remedies in traditional African medicine. In WOCMAP I-Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Conference: part 2 of 4 332 , July pp. 73-80.

Bizimana, N. (2006). Evaluation of medicinal plants from Mali for their in vitro and in vivo trypanocidal activity. V. 103, Issue 3. Feb., pp. 350-356.

Bognounou, F., Savadogo, P., Thiombiano, A., Oden, P. C., Boussim, I. J., Guinko, S., … & Cobbinah, J. (2009). Ethnobotany and utility evaluation of five Combretaceae species among four ethnic groups in western Burkina Faso. Traditional forest-related knowledge and sustainable forest management in Africa, 23, 181-189.

Bognounou, F., Savadogo, P., Thiombiano, A., BOUSSIM, I. J., ODEN, P. C., & Guinko, S. (2011). Informants based ethnobotany and utility evaluation of five combretaceae species: differentiation by ethnicity and geographical location. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, 20(4), 265-281.

Chika, Aminu. et al. (2010). Antihyperglycaemic activity of aqueous leaf extract of Combretum micranthum (Combretaceae) in normal and alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Journal of Ethnopharmcology. V. 129, Issue 1, May. Pp. 34-37.

D’Agostino, M. et al. (1990). Flavonoids of Combretum micranthum. Fitoterapia. Vol. 61 No. 5 pp. 477.

Daffe, B. M. (1973). Recherches sur la flore medicinale du Senegal. Antiaris africana Engl.(Moracees). Combretum glutinosum Perr. Combretum micranthum G. Don (Combretacees) (Doctoral dissertation, These).

de Morais Lima, G. R., de Sales, I. R. P., Caldas Filho, M. R. D., de Jesus, N. Z. T., de Sousa Falcão, H., Barbosa-Filho, J. M., … & Batista, L. M. (2012). Bioactivities of the genus Combretum (Combretaceae): a review. Molecules, 17(8), 9142-9206.

Diallo, D., Paulsen, B. S., & Hveem, B. (1996). Production of traditional medicine: preparations accepted as medicines in Mali. Chemistry, Biological and Pharmacological Properties of African Medicinal Plants. University of Zimbabwe Publications, Harare, 235-241.

Diallo, Drissa, et al. (2002) “Wound healing plants in Mali, the Bamako region. An ethnobotanical survey and complement fixation of water extracts from selected plants.” Pharmaceutical Biology 40.2, pp.117-128.

Diallo, D., Guissou, I. P., Haïdara, M., Tall, C., & Kasido, O. M. J. (2010). Recherche sur la medecine traditionnelle Africaine: hypertension. The African Health Monitor (WHO Publication).

Diallo, A., Traore, M. S., Keita, S. M., Balde, M. A., Keita, A., Camara, M., … & Balde, A. M. (2012). Management of diabetes in Guinean traditional medicine: An ethnobotanical investigation in the coastal lowlands. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 144(2), 353-361.

Diatta, W., Lo, M., Fall, A. D., Bassene, S., Sagna, S., Badji, K., & Bassene, E. (2009). Popular Traditional Herbal Medicines from the Jóolas of Essyl in the Rural Community of Enampor (Ziguinchor, Sénégal): An Ethnographic Survey. African natural plant products: new discoveries and challenges in chemistry and quality, 111-134.

Dicko, M. et al. (2005). Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of polyphenols from ethnomedicinal plants of Burkina Faso. African Journal of Biotechnology. V. 4(8) pp. 23-828.

Dièye, A. M., Sarr, A., Diop, S. N., Ndiaye, M., Sy, G. Y., Diarra, M., & Faye, B. (2008). Medicinal plants and the treatment of diabetes in Senegal: survey with patients. Fundamental & clinical pharmacology, 22(2), 211-216.

Eloff, J. N., Katerere, D. R., & McGaw, L. J. (2008). The biological activity and chemistry of the southern African Combretaceae. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 119(3), 686-699.

Esimone, C. O., Grunwald, T., Wildner, O., Nchinda, G., Tippler, B., Proksch, P., & Ueberla, K. (2005). In vitro pharmacodynamic evaluation of antiviral medicinal plants using a vector‐based assay technique. Journal of applied microbiology, 99(6), 1346-1355.

FALL, Ahmedou Bamba Koueimel, THIOUNE, Mamadou, THIOUNE, Oumar, et al. Traitement du diabète par des tradipraticiens de la région de Thiès (Sénégal): plantes et formes d’administration. Diabetes treatment by traditional healers of Thies region (Senegal): plants and dosage forms.

Ferreaa, Giuseppe et al. (1993) In vitro activity of a Combretum micranthum extract against herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2. Antiviral Research. V. 21, Issue 4, August, 317-325.

Havinga, R. M., Hartl, A., Putscher, J., Prehsler, S., Buchmann, C., & Vogl, C. R. (2010). Tamarindus indica L.(Fabaceae): Patterns of use in traditional African medicine. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 127(3), 573-588.

Hiermann, A. (1994). Influence of some traditional medicinal plants of senegal on prostaglandin biosynthesis. V.42, Issue 2. Pp. 111-116.

Hörhammer, L., & Wagner, H. (1961). New phenolic C-glycosides in plants. Chemistry of natural phenolic compounds. Pergamon Press, Oxford, London, New York, Paris.

Inngjerdingen, K. (2004). An ethnopharmacological survey of plants used for wound healing in Dogonland, Mali, West Africa. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. V. 92, Issue 2-3.

Jentzsch, K., Spiegl, P., & Fuchs, L. (1962). UNTERSUCHUNGEN ÜBER DIE INHALTSSTOFFE DER BLÄTTER VON COMBRETUM MICRANTHUM G. DON. Planta Medica, 10(01), 1-8.

Kéré, U., & Thiombiano, A. (1999). Ecology and utilization of Combretaceae in Burkina Faso. GTZ.

Kola, K. Ajibesin. (2002). Comparative Antimicrobial Activities of the leaves of Combretum Micranthum and C. Racemosum. Global Journal of Medica Sciences. V. 1(1): 13-17.

Lengani, A., Lompo, L. F., Guissou, I. P., & Nikiema, J. B. (2010). [Traditional medicine in kidney diseases in Burkina Faso]. Nephrologie & therapeutique, 6(1), 35-39.

Lucie, A. T., Dogo, S., Valentin, K., Emile, A. C., & Mbacké, S. (2012). Medicinal Plants Used In Some Rural Districts in Senegal (West Africa). American-Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 6(4).

Maiga, A., Diallo, D., Fane, S., Sanogo, R., Paulsen, B. S., & Cisse, B. (2005). A survey of toxic plants on the market in the district of Bamako, Mali: traditional knowledge compared with a literature search of modern pharmacology and toxicology. Journal of ethnopharmacology, 96(1), 183-193.

Muhammad, S., & Amusa, N. A. (2005). The important food crops and medicinal plants of north-western Nigeria. Res J Agric Biol Sci, 1(3), 254-260.

Nordeng, H., Al-Zayadi, W., Diallo, D., Ballo, N., & Paulsen, B. S. (2013). Traditional medicine practitioners’ knowledge and views on treatment of pregnant women in three regions of Mali. Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine, 9(1), 67.

Simon, J. E., Wu, Q., & Welch, C. (2011). U.S. Patent Application 13/695,911.

Olajide , Olumayokun, A. (2003). Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory property of the extract of Combretum micranthum G. Dom (Combretaceae). Inflammopharmacology. V. 11, No. 3, pp. 293-298.

Ogan, A.U. (1972). The Alkaloids in the leaves of Combretum micranthum. Planta Med. V. 21 (2): 210-217.

Osonwa, U. E., Umeyor, C. E., Okon, U. V., Uronnachi, E. M., & Nwakile, C. D. (2012). Stability studies on the aqueous extract of the fresh leaves of Combretum micranthum G. Don Used as antibacterial agent. Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 6(5), 417-424.

Rao, M. Upendra. (2010). Herbal Medicines for Diabetes Mellitus: A Review. International Journal of PharmTech Research. V. 2, No. 3. Pp. 1883-1892.

Sacandé, M., Sanon, M., & Schmidt, L. (2007). Combretum micranthum G. Don. Seed Leaflet, (129).

Silva, O. (1996). Antimicrobial activity of Guinea-Bissau traditional remedies. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. V. 50, Issue 1. Pp. 55-59.

Soh, Patrice Njomnang. (2007). Are West African plants a source of future antimalarial drugs? Journal of Ethnopharmacology. V. 114, Issue 2. Pp. 130-140.

Tahiri, A. (2012). Evaluation of Combretum micranthum G. Don (Combretaceae) as a Biopesticide Against Pest Termite.

Thompson, K. (1998). Antiviral activity of Viracea® against acyclovir susceptible and acyclovir resistant strains of herpes simplex virus. Antiviral Research. V. 39, Issue 1. Pp. 55-61.

Touré, A., Xu, X., Michel, T., & Bangoura, M. (2011). In vitro antioxidant and radical scavenging of Guinean kinkeliba leaf (Combretum micranthum G. Don) extracts. Natural product research, 25(11), 1025-1036.

Welch, CR. (2010). Chemistry and pharmacology of Kinkeliba (Combretum micranthum), a West African medicinal plant. PHD dissertation, Rutgers University

Willcox, M., Sanogo, R., Diakite, C., Giani, S., Paulsen, B. S., & Diallo, D. (2012). Improved traditional medicines in Mali. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 18(3), 212-220.